Seasons A life in tweets

por Libreria El Candil
This is the story of a man who lived inAlabama, New York, Washington, DC, and Puerto Rico. A story about friendships and family,relationships, hopes and disappointments. You willfind a lot of humor and some sadness,all told with the utmost sincerity.As a child, Jack Dorsey, the creator andcofounder behind Twitter, wasfascinated with the short-burstmessaging used by ambulances andother emergency personnel – the ethosbehind Twitter: I need to say somethingYou need to say something.This “novel by tweets” is no lightheartedform of literature. The format is simple;one memory, a flash, an image, oneentry represented in 140 characters orless (letters, comas, dashes included) –a life story in 140 tweets. These tweetsare tiny movies and mirrors throughwhich memories are shared betweenthe writer and the reader. I need to saysomething …

